Passionate people about quilting love our centimeter quilting rulers, but we've heard their request for rulers in inches. A quilting ruler in inches is particularly useful in the world of quilting, as many patterns and templates use the inches measurement system. Inches are commonly used in traditional quilting patterns. Having a ruler in inches simplifies fabric cutting and the creation of blocks according to these patterns. It also facilitates understanding the specific dimensions needed for each section of a quilt project. So, for a passionate seamstress in quilting, a ruler in inches becomes a valuable tool for accurately following and reproducing patterns without worrying about conversion or approximation.
These rulers feature something new: cutting slots! Each ruler has 3 slots allowing the passage of a rotary cutter blade. This ensures a perfectly straight and uniform cut of your fabrics. This cutting slot also eliminates the need for tracing as you can cut directly.
These two new rulers in rectangular 24"x6" and square 6"x6" formats are made of acrylic for strength and perfect transparency. Graduations in black and yellow provide excellent readability on your fabrics.
For even more precision, consider our 9mm mechanical chalk pencil. Did you know it comes in pink and black for easy color changes? Also, remember to renew your medium-length needles for assembly and quilting. If you need to adapt them based on the fabric, the most commonly requested are #8 or #10 with a large eye.
Brigitte l.
J'ai fait tomber cette règle le lendemain de sa reception et elle s'est cassée au niveau d'une fente de decoupe Donc trop fragile et inutilisable
Review posted on Jan 20, 2025 following a purchase on Sep 29, 2024.
Chevalier f.
bien !!!pas toujours si pratique !!!a utiliser !!
Review posted on Jan 20, 2025 following a purchase on Jan 4, 2025.
France d.
Pratique, permet de couper bien juste mais je crains qu’il ne soit fragile
Review posted on May 16, 2024 following a purchase on Apr 28, 2024.
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